These houses were built on steep slopes and have an amazing view of the ocean. Almost the whole coast is sandy beach!
I cannot count how many times we stopped to play on the beach, look at tidal pools or just to check things out. I believe we made very good time as we drove, yet I also think that we only averaged about 50 km/h! {partly due to traffic but also because of the number of stops we made. 

I am not sure who was more excited on the beach. Was it the girls who wanted to check everything out {and very happy to be out of the truck} or the adults who just enjoyed nature, listening to the waves crash on the shore or watching the kids have the
time of their lives {they played with everything: kelp, shells, sand, little critters, the waves, etc}. This was one of the cool beaches where the rocks were "carved" or eroded into perfect lines or blocks. We all thought this was one of the strangest and coolest things we saw on the trip {okay fine, the adults thought this not so muc
h the kids}. The ladies were told when they got out of the truck not to get their clothing wet, yet when the waves crashed onto these rocks it did not take long for them to get their pants, shorts, jackets and everything else wet! They did however thoroughly enjoy playing in the ocean! 

As we walked on the rocks, we found little pools with the various coloured anemonies everywhere. Everyone took turns touching them to make them close up. Alex was probably the bravest, touched the most and even wanted to take them home!
After a very long drive, okay we travelled 45 kms in just under 2 hours, we needed to make the all important food break. Some of us found the food exhilarating and our eyes were bigger than our tummies!
We spent the next hour waling through the town, checking out stores and food! The weather was beautiful, sunny and in the low 20s.
This is where our truly began, after breakfast. 
After about a 5 minute drive, we came across this scene. What a bunch of haywire buggers! The waves were crashing against the rocks, they were getting soaked but never stopped fishing! Not sure if they caught anything but it sure loo
ked amazing.
Not long after seeing amazing beaches, coves, deep blue and green ocean and amazing scenery, we came around a corner and saw our very first Koala. There were 6, just sitting in a
tree that was hanging over the
road. We walked to within 2-3 metres of the silly little buggers. As you can plainly see, they were terrified of us! The girls were beside themselves, here we all were, in Australia looking at a Koala. 2 of the koalas opened their eyes to briefly look at us, then went back to eating or sleeping. Must be a rough life!
As they sit in the tree, they look very "yodaesque". Many have have a profound look on their faces, lost in thought, actually it is probably because they are more than likely stoned from the poison in the Eucalyptus leaves!

After about a 5 minute drive, we came across this scene. What a bunch of haywire buggers! The waves were crashing against the rocks, they were getting soaked but never stopped fishing! Not sure if they caught anything but it sure loo

Not long after seeing amazing beaches, coves, deep blue and green ocean and amazing scenery, we came around a corner and saw our very first Koala. There were 6, just sitting in a

As they sit in the tree, they look very "yodaesque". Many have have a profound look on their faces, lost in thought, actually it is probably because they are more than likely stoned from the poison in the Eucalyptus leaves!
From inside a forest back to a beach. It is fantastic to see how the ocean and waves totally alter and destroy the coast! When you watch a wave crash against the rocks and spray up, it makes you realise how small and finite humans are. No matter what we build and protect, the ocean reclaims it all!