Sunday, February 8, 2009

The heat, ohhhh, the heat....

As many of you are aware, Melbourne has been under a huge heat wave. Yesterday (our yesterday, being Saturday February 7) the temperature was the hottest it has ever been since 1855 when they started to keep records on this kind of thing. The temperature topped off at a balmy 46.4C at 3:05pm. YIKES! I honestly was tempted to go outside to see how long it would take an egg to cook on the sidewalk. But I didn't. I didn't want to find out how long it would take for me to cook. Those of you that know me, also know how well I tan in the summer - not!

In the heat you try to find ways to cool off that don't require a lot of energy. Electric or body. Last week the girls and I walked to the public library and sat inside and read books for about an hour just to escape the heat. Yesterday we had to go to the bank to open an account. This took over an hour, but we didn't care because the heat when you walked out the door was absolutely suffocating! Many of you have said that you would gladly trade some of your snow for this heat - hahahahahaha. I think not! don't get me wrong, I love the snow. At least when it hits -25C you can put a coat on and go outside. When it hits +45 the only thing I can do is strip naked when I go outside. And really, who needs to see that?

We found another great way to cool off in the heat. Tom's mom (Elizabeth) told us about Lillydale Lake (thanks!). It is about a 5 minute drive from here and has been a saving grace on the hot days. Each time we have been there we have had the water to ourselves. Except, of course, for Mark and Angie who 5 minutes after we met them, invited us to their house for a barbeque. Crazy place, this!

The first day we went we were not prepared to swim. When it hits 45, does anybody care? The whole family went in, clothes and all. And it was fabulous!!!

The water is a little murky but really warm. The beach is sandy and fabulous. The lake is man made and our family would like to thank those men.


  1. 46 degrees?!?! OK, we can't even IMAGINE that kind of heat, so we take it back, we'll keep our *%@(! snow after all :) The only advice I can think of is "Just Keep Swimming!!!" (with apologies to Dorrie of course)
    (Auntie) Wendy

  2. 46 degrees... that's just crazy. I'd go insane... yes, even running outside naked insane.
    But, don't you wonder why the locals aren't swimming in that water?
