Thursday, April 2, 2009

Lost in Translation

One would assume that since both Canada and Australia are both English speaking countries that everything you read would be straight forward. we have found a few signs that have left us wondering as well as a few that are pretty clear.

Bob Jane - tires, batteries and other car stuff - who'd have guessed?

This is one of the more straight forward ones.

Forget mittens, stick your hands inside a roll of toilet paper to keep them warm in the winter.

Steve thinks this is the funniest sign.

They sell tires people, only tires.

It's kind of like the moose signs on the highways in BC.

Nope, not fast food. It's a bottle shop (liquor store). Just pull up and they come to the car to take your order!

After you're done at the bottle shop, right next door is...

This one makes me think of Harvey Korman ( the guy from the Carol Burnett show) and he was really funny.

Sells computers, printers, etc but I've never seen anybody there that looks like that!

See they're every where!

I wonder if any nice people shop here...
We just thought this would give you a taste of what it's like to shop here. No Home Depot where you know what they sell - stuff for your home. It's more like "head toward Nunawadding, turn left at Harvey Korman, past Keith Fagg and Bob Jane. You'll see the Total Tools on your right!" Huh????