Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Second Time Around

One of the first Friday drives we took in Australia was up past Healesville towards Alexandra and Marysville on February 6. I remember that it was the 6th because the next day was "Black Saturday" when the bushfires swept through all the areas we had driven through the night before. From a previous post you may remember the photos of beautiful green trees and lush rows of grape vines, it's a beautiful area that we have really enjoyed exploring.
Last Friday we decided to go for our weekly adventure somewhere along the same roads we had travelled Feb. 6th. We were curious about the extent of the damage and wanted to see for ourselves. It has also been one of our favorite areas to explore. Healesville is about 20 -30 minutes from where we are here in Montrose. During the time of the fires we could smell the smoke and had days of smoke filled skies. The girls even had a couple of extra days off school due to the increased risk of fire.
The area around Healesville remains beautiful. It's just in a different way. Now you can see how nature has chosen strange paths to travel. We didn't see any burnt houses but instead saw how the houses remained untouched while the fields and trees around them were burnt. We saw cars and sheds that were destroyed and huge fields that were completely untouched. It was interesting to make the comparisons to what we had seen the first time we had been through the area.

All I can think is how incredible mother nature is that she is starting to "rebuild" already!


  1. Wow these pics are incredible. It is crazy how mother nature chooses her paths of distruction, whether it be fire, floods, or tornados. I'm so glad that you guys were all right though. I think it's great how you guys go out on Fri. to explore around the area, and to take advantage of all you can while you are there!!

  2. That's crazy! You can tell how fast it moved by what didn't get burned up. Those are some pretty amazing pictures... sad, but amazing.
